Saturday, 26 November 2011

Let's hear it for the Politicians

Well, I'm pleased the Election is over. It was only slightly more entertaining than the World Cup (rugby, that is)...
There must be quite a few campaign leaders and politicians licking their wounds this morning, or fighting exhaustion as they start the new term.

I can't help feeling a bit sorry for Phil Goff; he got the message across and ran a brave campaign. Actually I feel for all of them, winners and losers - what a thankless task! Public office hasn't got any easier with social media, voter apathy, the 'sound-bite' requirements to contend with. I'm glad I don't have to see any more squirming performances on televised debates, billboards, or the old-school guys in suits standing on street corners shouting at a few supporters. They work pretty hard at election time and I admire them for having the balls to put themselves out there for public scrutiny, criticism and snipes.

Now it is over I look forward to seeing what National can achieve in the next three years.

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