Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Launching my very own Christmas Cake recipe

Came over all domesticated this morning and made a bit of a culinary effort for Christmas. I found an old fruit cake recipe of my mother's and with a few changes, and not much preparation time, it worked out really well.

If anyone wants to try it here is the recipe:

Gently boil the following ingredients in a saucepan for 3-5 minutes:
100g brown sugar
100g butter
1 cup hot water
2 cups dried fruit (I used cranberries and raisins)
1/2 cup marmalade (or berry jam)
3 tsp spices (I used ginger, mixed and cinnamon)
1 tsp salt

Once the fruit mixture is cool, mix in the following ingredients:
1 whole apple (including skin and core) blended into a mush
1/2 cup Frangelico liqueur (or sherry, or port - anything sweet and with alcohol)
200g plain flour
100g almond meal
3tsp baking powder

Bake 50 minutes at 180deg C in a large pan that is lined with foil then baking paper.(You don't need to grease the pan or the paper, it lifts off easily)

I decorated mine with walnuts and red glace cherries stuck on with a little bit of icing - but I think Mum used to press whole almonds into her version.


Monday, 5 December 2011

5 good things about the dog

I've never owned a dog before; so I thought it was time as I now live near a great beach, with a dog section, in Tahuna. So, Vito and I have been together for 16 months, and my training has been going very well. He's a Sydney Silky - but I keep his hair cut quite short so he doesn't have that overgrown mop look. I'm getting better at the haircuts and he looks less punk now.

I reckon there's a few good reasons to own a lively little dog:

1. He will drag you out for walks on a regular basis; or drive you to distraction or chew your shoes
2. You'll end up meeting other people with dogs that you would normally never speak to; some of them are quite nice, some of them you just wish he'd walk past without creating a conversation
3. Kitchen scraps, like cooked rice, apple cores or chop bones, will never go to waste again
4. You will learn a second language - one that includes sniffs, squeaks, growls and animal body language. This helped me deal better with other people's dogs. (I'm much less of a wus now.)
5. Keeping the upper hand, or the mystical 'top dog' status is tricky, but you'll learn to be consistent

Of course, if you start talking silly, buying dog outfits, or looking like your dog its probably time to call it quits.


Saturday, 26 November 2011

Let's hear it for the Politicians

Well, I'm pleased the Election is over. It was only slightly more entertaining than the World Cup (rugby, that is)...
There must be quite a few campaign leaders and politicians licking their wounds this morning, or fighting exhaustion as they start the new term.

I can't help feeling a bit sorry for Phil Goff; he got the message across and ran a brave campaign. Actually I feel for all of them, winners and losers - what a thankless task! Public office hasn't got any easier with social media, voter apathy, the 'sound-bite' requirements to contend with. I'm glad I don't have to see any more squirming performances on televised debates, billboards, or the old-school guys in suits standing on street corners shouting at a few supporters. They work pretty hard at election time and I admire them for having the balls to put themselves out there for public scrutiny, criticism and snipes.

Now it is over I look forward to seeing what National can achieve in the next three years.

Thursday, 24 November 2011


We went to the Recycling Centre and dived headfirst into the fabrics and linen bin. Found lots of clean, newish sheets, pillow cases and beautiful old tablecloths in good cotton fabrics. I tried to choose retro looking patterns and plain colours and eventually decided on a bag full for only ten dollars.

That was about two months ago; since then I have been crazy-busy washing, ironing, cutting, designing, piecing and quilting them into covers. I haven't used patterns; just ideas that seemed to suit each one. They are all so different, and they each have their own personality. So I have given them names - Aroha, Cosmo, Bella and so on.

The great news is that two local shops want to stock them. Five of my 'babies' have gone to Black Cat Vintage, in Annesbrook Drive, and three have found a nice shelf at Madcat in Founders. (What is it about cats and retro-vintage shop names?) I hope people buy them, because then I can make more...

It's what quilting was supposed to be about - reinventing, or up-cycling fabrics into something new and beautiful. Its fun to be creating again - especially with the lovely view out over my trusty old sewing machine of the mountains and the sea.


Freak Accident Averted

So, its very hot and windy today. I went outside to check what had blown over in the garden - not much as Mario had staked the tomatoes and fruit trees. It was so nice and warm I decided to stretch out on the back lawn and look at the clouds moving across the sky. Dozed off, as you do. My eyes were tired from frenetic quilt making. I woke up eventually and sat up just in time to see the garden seat (yes, its a substantial piece of outdoor furniture, a two-seater) hurtle from the top terrace and land inches away from where I had been sleeping. It must have been caught by a very strong gust. I always knew it was dangerous to spend too much time in the garden!