I had fun choosing outfits for a picnic this afternoon. It was so complicated getting everything ready and trying to cover all possibilities; I just felt proud that I'd left the house, eventually.
It was a perfect sunny day and we went for a look through Elizabeth House, then found a little park nearby. I threw down the rug, and confirmed to two passers-by that, yes indeed, they are twins and also, by chance, the same age...
I have noticed that two babies are not twice as much work as one (shared feeding and washing that you'd have to do anyway). But, if their timing isn't synchronised, its hell! For example, I might think they are settled for their afternoon nap (and therefore I am about to collapse in a heap on the sofa) but Rose might start squawking so loudly that I fear she'll wake Mario. So I get her up. Big mistake. Later, when Mario wakes up Rose is tired and wants to sleep. If one is upstairs in their cot and one downstairs in the stroller it gets even worse. Sometimes, as we are doing the exact same activity, I notice their moods are completely opposite - Mario will be sobbing and Rose will be laughing her head off.
Anyway they put on their best behaviour today for the picnic. At first they lay on the rug and gazed at the trees and the clouds. Then Mario decided to shout out with sheer joy at every passing car, or dog, or person, and Rose sat up and gnawed her way determinedly though a rusk as she giggled at the feeling of grass tickling her feet.