Friday, 27 April 2012

Twin Watching - Happy-Busy Days

I had fun choosing outfits for a picnic this afternoon.  It was so complicated getting everything ready and trying to cover all possibilities; I just felt proud that I'd left the house, eventually. 
It was a perfect sunny day and we went for a look through Elizabeth House, then found a little park nearby. I threw down the rug, and confirmed to two passers-by that, yes indeed, they are twins and also, by chance, the same age...
I have noticed that two babies are not twice as much work as one (shared feeding and washing that you'd have to do anyway). But, if their timing isn't synchronised, its hell! For example, I might think they are settled for their afternoon nap (and therefore I am about to collapse in a heap on the sofa) but Rose might start squawking so loudly that I fear she'll wake Mario. So I get her up. Big mistake. Later, when Mario wakes up Rose is tired and wants to sleep. If one is upstairs in their cot  and one downstairs in the stroller it gets even worse. Sometimes, as we are doing the exact same activity, I notice their moods are completely opposite - Mario will be sobbing and Rose will be laughing her head off.
Anyway they put on their best behaviour today for the picnic. At first they lay on the rug and gazed at the trees and the clouds. Then Mario decided to shout out with sheer joy at every passing car, or dog, or person, and Rose sat up and gnawed her way determinedly though a rusk as she giggled at the feeling of grass tickling her feet. 


Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Day 3 - Sydney, baby books review

The twins' chirpy little voices, talking to each other, woke us all up around 5am this morning. But having collapsed exhausted into bed early last night I was recharged and ready for the day. Things just seemed to work better today; the stroller, the washing machine, the weather, me... 
I decided to push a bit more for lunch to see if we could have a better afternoon. They loved my eclectic combination of avocado, potato, pumpkin and pureed apricot. Rose prefers to hold her own spoon and to try putting it in her mouth. Mario just sits there like a baby bird with his mouth open.
We read books today. There's lots of things wrong with young baby books; here's a few of them:
  • There is nothing simple or generally recognisable to point to
  • The wording is clunky, and disjointed to read out loud
  • There are too few, or too many, words on the page
  • There is no drama, just boring descriptions
  • The endings are weak
  • The characters are 2-dimensional and predictable
Our top 3 favourite books today, voted in unanimously (that is by both Mario and Rose) for the 7-month category, were:
Eyes, nose, toes, peekaboo! a publication
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Twin Trouble by Peter Bently
"My favourite characters are the ones that go
on a journey, like the caterpillar," says Rose

"A book has to touch me emotionally; those twin bears
were in danger, it was heart wrenching," says Mario

Monday, 23 April 2012

Day 2 - Sydney, minding twins

I asked their mum, Kate, to leave me some notes, with rough times for naps and meals.  The morning went well - mushy breakfast, nap, playtime. I even managed to pop upstairs and get a load of washing through. I was aware of their big eyes following my moves, watching me carefully. They giggled and glanced at each other occasionally, and seemed relaxed and happy playing on the floor. For seven months old both Mario and Rose are good with their hands and move around well, although not really crawling yet.

We lost the plot a bit after lunch with some fierce resistance to the afternoon nap. Rose definitely wasn't going to sleep, then Mario starting sobbing melodramatically. After an hour of angst I got them back up from their hell-no-definitely-not-nap and tried the stroller. The rain had stopped so we went out for a long walk around Potts Point and Kings Cross. They slept the whole time.

Rose and Mario taking a nap
I'm not sure the stroller and I are going to be friends. Its a big clumsy thing and while the twins are well cushioned in it I think I may need to read the manual. Anyway, by the time their parents got home I'd managed to get through the list; just not quite in the right order. And, I'd learnt a few things:
1. You can't get upstairs carrying both babies at the same time
2. People stare at twins
3. Supermarket trolleys and strollers have dysfunctional front wheels in common
4. You have to pre-empt hunger and tiredness (theirs and yours)
5. You can't give them bottles at the same time, so you have to feed one and sing to the other



Sunday, 22 April 2012

4 weeks, 2 babies, 1 nana

I arrived in Sydney last night and my son Joseph met me at the airport. I mentioned my anxiety about doing a good job over the next month - I'm here to mind their 7 month old twins. He said just don't talk too much - he knows me well! The twins were still awake and Rose was definitely a bit suspicious.

Today, Sunday, got off to a great start. I heard them cooing and grizzling away intermittently from about 5am. The twins, that is. I had a quick shower then popped in at 6am - greeted by big smiles of delight. Kate came and showed me how they change them - its all really well set-up in their little 2-cot bedroom. They sleep in cute sleeping bag things. We went downstairs and made up a lovely mush of weetbix, blueberries and yoghurt. I spooned most of it into the babies - its great having two, no time is wasted between mouthfuls.

The rest of the day was spent in a happy whirl of play, stories, a brief walk (to make sure I could manage the double stroller thing and the various keys into the apartment). Oh, and not much daytime sleep. Maybe that's my fault. I think I talked to them too much!