Monday, 22 March 2010

Is it me?

Is it me, or is the planning just as exciting as the actual trip?

We finished our schedule on Sunday, and have an idea of the likely damages, cost wise. Funny thing is, its not much more than if we stayed living in London, what with the exorbitant rent and commuting costs to cover over here.

The great thing about being your own travel agent these days is all the info you can tap into so quickly on the 'net. We have used some travel books, a map of Europe (which I got at a charity shop), and various blogs and sites.

Mostly we have chosen places at random, or for silly reasons - Bardolino: cos we like the wine, Sardinia: because we like sardines? No, not really... Lucca: because a friend comes from there. Sabaudia: because I think the forest and wild bore sounded interesting.

The main thing has been to make sure we are able to keep an eye on the World Cup as we travel around, with New Zealand in it this time, and Italy to stress over as usual. There's a whole separate column in our plan for the WC games schedule! So, its going to be Milan for the quarter finals, and Lucca for the final...


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